Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Blessed be the name

I have had many great debate with various Christian friends about the song "Blessed Be The Name", specifically because of the Bridge portion which states:

     You give and take away
     You give and take away
     My heart will choose to say
     Lord, blessed be Your name

Those who advocate in favour tend to quote the book of Job 1:20-22:

20 Then Job arose, and rent his mantle and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground and worshiped and said, “Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither. The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.”  In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.

Others, who largely have no issue with other segments of the song feel this bridge misrepresents God; although most agree that God allows bad things to happen to us, it is not He who inflicts them.  After all, wasn't it Satan who inflicted Job?  God just let it happen.  Then could it be said that God took away His protection from Job?  Perhaps.  It's a complex confusing topic to say the least.

I have always been on the fence, but this summer has given me a slight lean.

I came to Selkirk at the start of the summer with great expectations.  In my mind I was going to champion the events of the YFC summer.  I had worked hard to get my back in good shape to conquer the long drive.  I was determined to be independent and look after myself.  And then I hurt my ankle.  This impacted me in more ways than I imagined.  

Humbly I was forced to rely on strangers for help on a daily basis.  It embarrassed me to ask friends I'd just met to take out my garbage or help me buy groceries.  I had to relinquish my plans to explore and enjoy my new home and just spend time resting.  I had to miss out on the YFC camping trips and feel at times as though I was inadequate in my job.

Finally last week - after three long months - the fractures in my ankle were pronounced healed.  AMEN!  Then today after a session of physiotherapy I was able to walk for the first time without a cast or crutches and just an ankle brace.  Oh the joy!  But even more so, the deep appreciation I felt for healing....the appreciation to everyone who helped me through this trying time.....the appreciation for the ability to do the things I was able to in spite of my limitations....the appreciation for the opportunities God granted me to feed into young people in spite of not being able to do all the activities - and sometimes because I was left behind.  I learned and grew far more this summer by having my ankle injured than I otherwise could have.  And no surprise, I've been here before when I hurt my back just a few years ago.

So, what's my point?  I don't know if we have a God who simply allowed my ankle to get hurt, or if He in fact set in motion the events that caused it to get hurt.  If it is the latter, so be it!  Because if so, He in His infinite love provided for my every need and used it for my own good.  Do we have a God that in fact "gives and takes away"?  I don't know.  But regardless, my heart will choose to say "Blessed Be Your Name"!  

Blessed Be Your Name - listen and be blessed!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Swimmin upstream

It's been a very long time since I blogged, and looking at all that God has revealed to me in the past year, it saddens me that I haven't made record of it.  But seeing as how the mystery of time travel has thus far eluded me, we shall move forward and press on :)

Which leads me to confession time.  When I envisioned my life as a YFC missionary, I thought it would be so steeped in spiritual matters and ministry that pursuing a relationship with Christ on a personal level would just occur naturally.  I even had a friend who worked on the mission field once tell me that he need not put effort into his faith walk since each and every day was focused on ministry.  HAHAHA!  Nice little lie you've planted there Satan!  Whether you're doing full-time ministry and working in a music store, a relationship with God takes work.  Saying that doing ministry relieves of actively pursuing Christ is like saying that you don't need to work on your marriage because you see each other every day.  I'm quite confident any successfully married couple will agree that you need to focus on your relationship if you want it to be successful.

The truth of the matter is, society will continuously pull us away from living a fully Christ-centred life.  We are constantly being bombarded with messages that tell us exactly what is lacking in our life and how we can pursue true happiness through financial gain, diet, clothing, makeup, relationships, sex...the list is endless.  And with enough subjection to these influences we lose our focus, our strength, our meaning and our value.  While God is speaking in a whisper (1 Kings 19:12), the world is screaming its message at us through a high-def-technicolour-200 watt boss stereo system.  Pursuing God in today's western culture is like trying to walk uphill on a downward directional escalator....or to put it in terms that my new friends would understand here in the catfish capital of the world, it's like a catfish swimming upstream; if you don't consistently put in effort, you will continually be pulled further and further away.

And in my traditional blog-fashion, here's a little song to remind to keep your focus :) Running by Hillsong