Saturday, March 5, 2011

Faith dehydration

You lay awake, tossing and turning. Watching your favourite TV show did nothing to distract you from your current situation. You tried reading but after your eyes scanned the same page 3 times but absorbed nothing you gave up. Even the softly playing sermon by your favourite pastor on your iPod hasn't worked it's normal magic of helping you drift off. The situation just keeps playing over and over in your mind. When you aren't remembering what happened yesterday, you're projecting what will happen tomorrow. You've mentally worked out a response to each and every possible scenario. If he says "this", you're prepared to say "that". You're ready for whatever may happen and these responses are playing over and over in your head like a bad Vanilla Ice LP that keeps skipping on the turn-table in a horrible 80's movie. And you just can't shut them out.
Where is your faith? You've prayed about the situation. You've prayed a lot! You've asked God to guide you and protect you and be there with you. As it suggests in Philippians 4:6-7, you've let your requests be made known to God by prayer and supplication and with thanksgiving, at least to the best of your current ability. So where's that peace that surpasses all understanding? Why isn't your heart and mind guarded now that you really need it to be? How can it be that it's 3am and you're laying awake with your heart going 90 miles per hour???
The problem is, faith is not something you can just put on at a moment's notice. Faith is something that builds up as you daily spend time with God, meditating on His word, worshipping Him in gladness and speaking to Him through prayer. When someone is dehydrated, they didn't get that way from skipping one glass of water. And it will take them more than one glass of water to rehydrate them. In Psalm 1:2 we are called to meditate on God's word day and night. Psalm 34:1 suggests that we bless the Lord at all times. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 calls us to pray without ceasing.
Are you laying awake and lacking peace? Do your prayers seem to fall on deaf ears? Take heart my friend, for God hears you. However if it is peace you're looking for - that peace that surpasses understanding - a closer walk with daily doses of Bible reading, constant praise and unceasing prayer may be in order. God's grace and peace is readily available in abundance for all who seek it; drink it up!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your great insight! A good remember to keep hydrated, both with water, and in fellowship with Jesus.
