Monday, September 2, 2013

Swimmin upstream

It's been a very long time since I blogged, and looking at all that God has revealed to me in the past year, it saddens me that I haven't made record of it.  But seeing as how the mystery of time travel has thus far eluded me, we shall move forward and press on :)

Which leads me to confession time.  When I envisioned my life as a YFC missionary, I thought it would be so steeped in spiritual matters and ministry that pursuing a relationship with Christ on a personal level would just occur naturally.  I even had a friend who worked on the mission field once tell me that he need not put effort into his faith walk since each and every day was focused on ministry.  HAHAHA!  Nice little lie you've planted there Satan!  Whether you're doing full-time ministry and working in a music store, a relationship with God takes work.  Saying that doing ministry relieves of actively pursuing Christ is like saying that you don't need to work on your marriage because you see each other every day.  I'm quite confident any successfully married couple will agree that you need to focus on your relationship if you want it to be successful.

The truth of the matter is, society will continuously pull us away from living a fully Christ-centred life.  We are constantly being bombarded with messages that tell us exactly what is lacking in our life and how we can pursue true happiness through financial gain, diet, clothing, makeup, relationships, sex...the list is endless.  And with enough subjection to these influences we lose our focus, our strength, our meaning and our value.  While God is speaking in a whisper (1 Kings 19:12), the world is screaming its message at us through a high-def-technicolour-200 watt boss stereo system.  Pursuing God in today's western culture is like trying to walk uphill on a downward directional escalator....or to put it in terms that my new friends would understand here in the catfish capital of the world, it's like a catfish swimming upstream; if you don't consistently put in effort, you will continually be pulled further and further away.

And in my traditional blog-fashion, here's a little song to remind to keep your focus :) Running by Hillsong

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