Thursday, November 11, 2010

Waiting till it completely breaks down

Although my car is only 5 years old, it's desperately in need of some attention. Most noticeable is the huge crack that goes across the entire windshield. Less noticeable is the fact that 2 of the tires are completely worn out (yes, I was advised to replace ALL 4 of them two winters ago, however just the front 2 got done!) You can't see the brake pads that I feel have less grab than they should. And in spite of the fact that I drive it every day, I'm oblivious to the belts, fluids and filters that I was told need some attention by the last grease monkey who changed my oil. In many respects my sporty red Sunfire could be on the verge of falling apart on me.
Like most students I don't have a huge reserve of cash sitting in my bank account waiting to be spent. And all these repairs will likely wait until either the car feels dangerous to drive or until it just won't go any more. When that happens I'll find the money whether I have it or not. I need my car to get to work, to church, to run errands etc. I live in the country and can't function without it. But in the meantime, as long as it keeps running, I'll keep driving.
I have many unsaved friends who treat their lives the way I treat my car. They know something isn't right in their lives. They know there's something missing. They don't have true joy. They don't have peace. They are okay to get through their days and even find reasons to laugh now and then. However deep inside they know that something huge is lacking in their lives. As long as they can survive and get through their days they aren't actually going to do anything about it. Sometimes I want to shake these people until they "get it"...why do they reject the one thing that they so desperately need in their life? It isn't until they hit rock bottom that they are able to look up to Christ.
Jesus in Matthew 5:3-4 brings good news to those who get to that point: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted". Like my car, when they get to the point where they can't go any more, they will most likely get the help they so desperately need and when they do, they will be granted the comfort they need. We need to stand by, pray and wait, being ready to point them to the best and only spiritual mechanic there is. This is hard because from our point of view the solution looks so easy. Unlike my car repairs, their salvation is a FREE gift from God. They need only ask and it will be given to them. But until they get to the point that they see they need the help, they will keep going and all we can do is wait and pray.
An awesome song (and a very cool video) for those who are thirsty for God: - listen, watch and be blessed!
Anyone know a good mechanic??? ;-)


  1. Sorry that you are having problems with your car.

  2. Great comparison... don't rely on your feelings for saving your car though... go by the experts advice... like God as the manufacturer of our souls, in the matter of your car, they know best... :)
