Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Blog???

Yeah, a blog. Hadn't intended of going there. But God has been showing me a lot lately and nudging me to put it down in text and share it with others. A blog seemed the easiest way to do exactly that.

So why am I calling my log "Sharing my baby steps"? Cuz that's exactly what my walk with Christ has felt like. Tiny, tentitive, cautious steps, often falling flat on my bottom (without the extra cushioning of pampers)....crying in frustration, then gently being lifted and healed by a loving, caring father who places me back on my feet, hovering over till my next wrong turn and BOOM we start all over again. The cool thing is that each and every time I fall, once I get around to stopping my tantrum and drying my eyes, our heavenly Father is ALWAYS there. My God be cool like that!

Feel free to follow, your comments are welcome. Please join me on this walk; I promise, you'll never be walking alone.... - listen and be blessed!

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