Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Straining on the leash or walking in obedience?

I love watching animal lovers with their dogs. You can always tell when they are with their true masters. Someone else could tell them to do something a billion times in various tones and volumes and they would pay little or no heed, but when their master talks, they tend to listen. Even someone who they've known all their life cannot command a fraction of the respect that their true master does....they know who loves them, cares for them, provides for their every need.

But no matter how obedient a dog will be with their master, take them outside with the right distractions and there's bound to be a time where they start straining against their collars, desperately trying to break free and explore. Fascinated by the sights and sounds and wanting to experience it all. But we all know that should they get away they would find danger and trouble, or at the very least get lost and miss dinner.

I know very well how that feels. I know that God wants me to walk with Him, by His side in strict obedience at all times. But I want to do what I want to do. I see places that I know I shouldn't go to and I do anyway. There's things to get into that God has specifically told me will do me more harm than good, yet I disobey and go there anyway. I continually strain against the leash, break myself free and wander off. And then I wonder why everything has gone wrong and I can't cope with the things I find in my path.

But when I in obedience do what God calls me to do, it's a good day. Stress is lower. Challenges are manageable. You see, when I'm walking in obedience, God leads me away from the things that are going to do me more harm than good. He may lead me to obstacles and difficulties, but He is right there by my side to help me over them, allowing me to learn and grow strong from them.

Should a 'rebellious Rover' break away and get lost, his master will have to spend a lot of time looking and calling for her poor lost pup. A dog may regret his actions within moments but spend hours lost and alone. The good news is that our Saviour hears our calls immediately and always knows exactly where we are. We may have to deal with the repercussions of our disobedience, but He will be by our side to lead us back to the right path as we deal with them.

Jesus tells us in the book of Luke chapter 11:28 "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it." If you haven't been feeling as though you are living in God's blessing lately, you gotta ask yourself have you been walking WITH Him, or have you been running off on your own?

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