Sunday, October 31, 2010

Post-workout PAIN!

Yesterday I went hiking at Webster's Falls in Dundas with the Junior High group at TLC. What an awesome time! We were left speechless by the fantastical water falls, exhilarated by the steep drop-offs and cliffs and truly awed by the beautiful leaves and landscape. But some of us....well, okay, I was exceedingly challenged by the steep, long hills and rugged terrain. Having not done really strenuous exercise in almost 2 years (since I hurt my back), this 2 hour hike - and trying to keep up with a mob of healthy young pre-teens - was truly a test of my endurance and stamina.

And so I get up out of bed this morning to find my quads absolutely screaming at me in protest! I didn't think I'd make it to the bathroom at first, the soreness in my legs was SO intense. You see, I was experiencing a kinda cool consequence from the hike known as "DOMS"; Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. DOMS is caused by tiny microscopic tears that occur in the muscle as a result of high intensity exercise. The good news is that as my muscles begin to rebuild themselves the pain will fade and new muscle will develop that is bigger and stronger than before. Next time I attempt a hike I'll be stronger and better able to handle it. Keep it up often enough and I'll eventually do that hike without breaking a sweat. And I'll be able to conquer newer and bigger challenges.

The Christian life seems to be replete with "DOMS" of another sort; the spiritual sort. Since embracing Christ I've had to go through many trials that have left me feeling beat-up, sore and licking my wounds. Following Jesus has caused me to let go of many of my old habits, some with little challenge, others with my knuckles white in protest as I vehemently clung to them through a veil of tears. Chunks of me have been chipped away, little tears at my character that have left me wondering what will be left of the old me when God finishes with me.

There is good news for those going through spiritual "DOMS" in the book of Ephesians, chapter 4:22-24: You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. God doesn't strip away our old habits and bits of ourselves and leave us as half a person. As we let go of these things they are replaced with a new self that is righteous and holy. He makes us over in closer image to Him. How awesome is that? Makes it just a little easier to let go of our old junk when we know it's to be replaced with Jesus-like qualities, doesn't it!

If God is calling you to be stripped of some old bits of yourself, do not fear! He's got something FAR better in mind for you. And let's not forget, you do get to see some awesome views along the journey that can only be seen if you embrace the challenge ;-)
God truly does make all things new! Listen and be blessed!

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