Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I'm convinced that the first words out of the mouth of my niece were "MY SELF" - but with her two year old voice it came out in three syllables, sounding like "my sellef" as she pounded her fist on the table or stomped her foot to punctuate her rebellion. And what was this 2-year old tyrant rebelling against you may ask? Any help, for any task, from any person who was offering it. If she had her way she'd leave the house to run errands with mommy with mismatched shoes, her skirt half-tucked into her leggings, her hair a massive clump of knots on the back of her head and smears of breakfast down her shirt and across her face. Now 10 years later any time someone in my family refuses help and declares Independence in an endeavor, someone is sure to bust out with the words "my sellef" as we all break into laughter at the memory.

But how many times do we as adults say the exact same thing to God? We refuse His instruction and choose our own jobs, our own friends, our own past-times....and wonder why everything is going wrong! Sure, we allow Him a small level of domain in our lives, but we leave the big decisions to ourselves, thinking that He's too distant or too consumed with running the planet to worry about where we work, who we marry or how we spend our free time.

These day-to-day things are EXACTLY the areas of our lives that He wants to and needs to take control of if we are to live a purposeful life. The same God who has a count of every hair on your head (Matthew 10:30) is concerned about where you are going and what you are doing. Look at what he says in Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". God, the creator of everything DOES have a plan for you. But how can God prosper you and protect you from harm if you don't follow His plan?
I am rapidly learning that submission to God's plan is one of the most difficult things we can do in this life. It takes courage. It requires blind faith. It demands continual submission of your will to His. But knowing that the plan was contrived by an omnipotent creator who loves me and has my best interests at heart, I've decided to trust and follow. My days of going my own way with egg on my face by "my sellef" are over. Dare to join me?
. - listen and be blessed for the moment. Commit to it and be blessed for a lifetime!

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