Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Too busy?

Life sometimes gets away from us, especially during the Christmas season. Some of us - especially those in the retail world - find the demand to work extra hours increasingly difficult to turn away. Then there's shopping to be done, parties to be attended, and snow to be shovelled on random days, setting us into a frenzied panic as we try to meet all of our obligations. So when a casual aquaintance asks to spend time with us in December we struggle to make time for them and often fail to find a feasible rendez-vous.
Have you ever found yourself in this situation and given your friend a detailed laundry list, explaining all the items you have stuffed into your schedule over the next three weeks to account for your inability to accomodate time with them? Friends, forgive me for I recognize I too am guilty of doing exactly this. It wasn't until it happened to me when I was struck by how this impacts the listener. Because when you do this you are in effect saying, "I've booked these 30 other things into my schedule and they take priority over you at the moment". WOW! Pretty harsh when you look at it this way.
And now I'm going to take it a step further: How many times have we said this exact same thing to God? "God, I know you're the one who's given me my life and all the time that I have; you're the creator of time! But work, parties, gifts....these are all more important than you right now. So forgive me for skipping devotions/prayer/church this week; I just can't make the time for you right now". OUCH!
Moses knew the value of time management and wrote about it in Psalm 90:10-12: Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty, if our strength endures; yet the best of them are but trouble and sorrow, for they quickly pass, and we fly away....Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Moses reminds us that our days on this earth are numbered; when we get to the end we won't regret a missed paycheck, but we will regret a lost friend. How much more will we regret if we lose our relationship with Christ! I implore you, the next time a friend wants a few moments of your time that you can't seem to spare, don't give them your laundry list of chores and engagements; cancel something in the next 3 weeks and make a commitment. And do the same for Christ; He gave His son for you; surely you can find a few moments each day for Him!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Staying afloat

Growing up I was blessed to have an awesome 8' deep octagon shaped pool in my backyard. I spent countless summer hours with my brothers having canon-ball contests and splashing around in its depths. However that first summer I did not know how to swim! Someone had bought for me this Styrofoam floater devise to help me learn. In the shape of a tadpole it was meant to be strapped to your back and would keep you afloat while you learn the basic operations of how to maneuver your arms and kick your legs. However, I didn't like to use it in the way it was intended. You see, it scared me to be forced into such a horizontal position, my face so close to the water. So instead I would forgo the straps, cling to it on my belly and simply float around the pool.
My dad didn't go into the pool often; he claimed that he had a "bone in his leg" and that the "water was too wet" for him. But on one occasion he was there and saw me misusing my little floating tadpole. Against my complaints he strapped it to my back and watched me flail about, fighting to keep my head up and my body vertical. I recall him grabbing hold of my arms, pressing them to my sides and saying "just take a deep breath and KICK!!!" I did as he asked (there was no arguing with dad) and found myself sailing across the pool in record time, my little legs acting as efficient little propellers. Thrilled with the results and anxious to improve them I soon was scooping my arms AND kicking my legs, mimicking the front crawl motion that I'd so often seen my brothers do. In the safety of the tadpole's harness I was swimming, and I was swimming FAST!
The past couple of days I've been feeling completely school, by work, by my sinuses, by life in general. I felt like there was so much on my plate I couldn't possibly stay afloat through it all. I couldn't figure out how I was going to do all that I needed to do. But I came to a sudden realization that I had absolutely no need to worry and was reminded of what is written in Isaiah 40:28-31:
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
He gives strength to the weary
and increases the power of the weak.
Even youths grow tired and weary,
and young men stumble and fall;
but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.
As long as we hope in the Lord, we need not worry about staying afloat. He's like my Styrofoam tadpole and will keep us afloat while we go about doing what we need to do. Putting your full trust in God is scary at first; He may put you in directions you weren't expecting; He may take you out of your comfort zone; your face just might get a little wet. But when you read these verses you know that it's worth taking the risk. And unlike my tadpole, God is not going to chip away and fall apart after a few years of use! He is an everlasting God who will not grow tired and weary. That means He won't grow tired and weary keeping me afloat....I just need to take a deep breath and KICK!
You are my shield, my strength, my portion, deliverer, my shelter, strong tower, my ever present help in time of need! - listen and be blessed!

Friday, November 19, 2010


Today on my way to work I made my bi-weekly stop at the Bulk Barn to stock up on my favourite sugar/yeast/dairy-free treats. As I approached the door I noticed an older man with a huge cast on his leg struggling down the sidewalk on crutches. I waited until he got closer, asked if he too was set to "bulk up" and held the door for him. Having been a seasoned veteran of the hop-along club, I knew first-hand that doors are not your friend when you are restricted in this way. In hindsight it's only with shame I admit that I mentally patted myself on the back for being a thoughtful Christian to this strange man.
When we entered the store I noticed him looking skeptically at the carts and baskets. I recalled being in a similar dilemma and solving it by shopping with a shoulder bag or knapsack to carry my goods. This poor man had no such foresight. In a hurry to pick up my purchases and have enough time to stop at the bank before work, I continued on my merry way. It wasn't until I reached the checkout and began to pack my purchases into my own enviro-bag that I recalled this poor man and felt a reminding nudge. I glanced at the clock on my phone and as my eyes darted around the store I decided I didn't have time to find him to see if he needed assistance and left.
My mind quickly fled to other things when I got to work, confronted with stacks of inventory to receive, invoices to enter and new product to price and merchandise. However halfway through the night I recalled a recent conversation with a friend where he shared a now humorous story of being too adventurous in a wheel chair and being stuck 1/3 of the way down a steep hill and at the mercy of whatever person passing by had sympathy for his situation. I had been quick to say that had I passed by I would have helped him. My actions of the afternoon flooded me with feelings of guilt as I realized that in my selfishness I failed to spare 10 minutes to assist a man desperately in need of help with shopping. At the very least I could have given him a shoulder bag and a suggestion.
With tears in my eyes I find myself confronted by Matthew 25:42-45:

“For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.......Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me."
For those of us who follow Christ, it's not good enough to spend 10 seconds holding a door and think we've done our good deed for the day. How are we to be salt and light if we are more worried about our agendas than those who are struggling right in front of us?
God, forgive me for today I saw one of your own in need and I failed him due to my own selfish agenda. And thank you for your abounding grace to forgive. Next time I know the bank can wait and work can be late.

"Behold the man upon the cross, my sin upon His shoulders. Ashamed I hear my mocking voice call out among the scoffers".

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Perfect Timing

This past week I had the awesome privilege of being reunited with a dear friend from my youth. John and I parted company back around 1992, approximately 18 years ago. Last night sitting in Tim Hortons laughing at old stories, floods of memories returning it felt like not a day had passed! My dear friend still holds a precious place in my heart and I didn't realize this until I had heard his voice on the phone this week.
Yet a small part of me felt resentful, almost like I'd been robbed of a treasure for the past 18 years. There had been times when I had tried to look him up; Google searches for his name, his brother's name, his sister's name had come up empty. As far as I had known he had fallen off the planet! It didn't seem fair that I had to go for so long without this special friendship when for much of that time we really hadn't been far away from one another.
But then I looked back at the things I'd been through in the past 18 years; the relationships I'd been in, the cities I'd moved to, the careers I had chosen, the personal growth I've experienced and more than anything the relationship I've developed with God over the past 3 years. John truly is a special guy and I don't know if I would have fully been able to appreciate that before God had done all this work in me. I look back and realize that I didn't see it way back when; perhaps if I had we never would have gone our separate ways.
And this all brings me to the conclusion that God's timing is indeed perfect. He is neither too early or too late. I can mourn the years of friendship lost, however I think I'm not doing God justice if I don't recognize that our moment of being reunited was intentionally saved for such a time as this. And knowing my dear friend and his knowledge of music from another day, this quote from Ecclesiastes 3:2-8 (borrowed by The Byrds) is more than perfect for the occasion:
A time to be born and a time to die,
A time to plant and a time to uproot,
A time to kill and a time to heal,
A time to tear down and a time to build,
A time to weep and a time to laugh,
A time to mourn and a time to dance,
A time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
A time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
A time to search and a time to give up,
A time to keep and a time to throw away,
A time to tear and a time to mend,
A time to be silent and a time to speak,
A time to love and a time to hate,
A time for war and a time for peace.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The jigsaw puzzle of life

I have always LOVED jigsaw puzzles. I think it stems back to my childhood. Before dad 'started wearing a suit to work' we would often spend countless hours on a Sunday afternoon piecing together these mammoth monstrosities. Others in the family would join in briefly (especially when we got down to the last 10 or 20 pieces) but it was dad and I who worked together to bring this collection of seemingly random little bits into a beautiful masterpiece. When time allows there's nothing like a good afternoon of puzzling to brighten my weekend and flood back the fond memories.
Other puzzle lovers can attest to this idea....there will often be one piece that looks as though it's supposed to fit in a certain spot. The shape seems right, the colours match. But it just doesn't quite go. And even after scrutinizing it closely and knowing for certain that it doesn't fit, you will still attempt to place it in that very spot several more times before you find it's true home. When my mom sees me doing this she'll jokingly say "Want me to get the hammer and you can try to make it fit?" LOL!

Like these errant puzzle pieces I have spent years trying to make myself fit into places that I don't belong. I tried to blend with friends and coworkers with totally different lifestyles and agendas than mine. I've desperately tried to construct and maintain relationships with men who I knew weren't right for me. I've worked at jobs that looked exciting and rewarding on the outside, but left me tired, frustrated and empty. In frustration I returned to my former mundane job, single and alone, feeling like I just didn't fit in this world. I'd often read Psalm 37:4 "Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart" and wondered "When am I going to find this happiness? When is God going to give me the job and the relationship that my heart desires?"
It took a long time before I realized that the crux of having the desires of your heart is rooted in the first half of that verse, "Take delight in the Lord". A large part of taking delight in the Lord is blooming where you are planted. Seeking opportunities wherever you are in life to minister to those around you, witness, testify, learn, grow, blossom. Stop looking at the green grass on the other side of the fence and focus on the yard in front of you. For me this meant I had to stop longingly looking at exciting jobs and feeling jealous of the awesome relationships my friends were in. I had to stop trying to hammer myself into positions that I didn't fit and enjoy the position I was in.
And what happened? Over time I see the Lord changing the desires of my heart. I have no idea if one day He's going to position me in an exciting upbeat career that at that time WILL fuel and fulfill me. I can't begin to guess if one day He's going to provide me with the perfect relationship with some wonderful man who I'll spend the rest of my life with. What I do know is that I'm in a unique situation with a freedom and flexibility to do all kinds of work for His kingdom that I otherwise wouldn't be able to do. Right here, right now I'm placed in an AWESOME position in God's puzzle called life and I plan to enjoy every moment of it!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Waiting till it completely breaks down

Although my car is only 5 years old, it's desperately in need of some attention. Most noticeable is the huge crack that goes across the entire windshield. Less noticeable is the fact that 2 of the tires are completely worn out (yes, I was advised to replace ALL 4 of them two winters ago, however just the front 2 got done!) You can't see the brake pads that I feel have less grab than they should. And in spite of the fact that I drive it every day, I'm oblivious to the belts, fluids and filters that I was told need some attention by the last grease monkey who changed my oil. In many respects my sporty red Sunfire could be on the verge of falling apart on me.
Like most students I don't have a huge reserve of cash sitting in my bank account waiting to be spent. And all these repairs will likely wait until either the car feels dangerous to drive or until it just won't go any more. When that happens I'll find the money whether I have it or not. I need my car to get to work, to church, to run errands etc. I live in the country and can't function without it. But in the meantime, as long as it keeps running, I'll keep driving.
I have many unsaved friends who treat their lives the way I treat my car. They know something isn't right in their lives. They know there's something missing. They don't have true joy. They don't have peace. They are okay to get through their days and even find reasons to laugh now and then. However deep inside they know that something huge is lacking in their lives. As long as they can survive and get through their days they aren't actually going to do anything about it. Sometimes I want to shake these people until they "get it"...why do they reject the one thing that they so desperately need in their life? It isn't until they hit rock bottom that they are able to look up to Christ.
Jesus in Matthew 5:3-4 brings good news to those who get to that point: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted". Like my car, when they get to the point where they can't go any more, they will most likely get the help they so desperately need and when they do, they will be granted the comfort they need. We need to stand by, pray and wait, being ready to point them to the best and only spiritual mechanic there is. This is hard because from our point of view the solution looks so easy. Unlike my car repairs, their salvation is a FREE gift from God. They need only ask and it will be given to them. But until they get to the point that they see they need the help, they will keep going and all we can do is wait and pray.
An awesome song (and a very cool video) for those who are thirsty for God: - listen, watch and be blessed!
Anyone know a good mechanic??? ;-)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Playing to lose...and yet winning???

A huge part of growing up in my house were family games at the kitchen table. I'm thrilled to see that my brother and his wife have carried on this tradition. Last night we celebrated by niece's 8th birthday and ended the night with an exciting game of "Aggravation". You start out with your 4 men in "base"; by rolling a six or a one you are able to bring a man onto the playing field and work your way around the board, attempting to bring each one home before an opponent knocks you back to base. Kinda like an old-school version of the popular game "Trouble", sans the popping dice.
But we Pluim girls don't tend to play this game in the traditional, dog-eat-dog, looking out for #1 sense. Me and my two trusty nieces are always quick to form our girl-power alliance with one clear and concise directive in mind: GET DAD! We go out of our way to avoid knocking each other off and are quick to point out how someone else's fortunate roll of the die can be enabled to prevent my brother from having any hope of possibly winning the game. So after about 45 minutes of play, all us ladies have at least one or two men safely home, while my brother sits with ALL his men still in base, earnestly praying for the correct role to at least get him back in the game.
Of course this situation has the potential to be extremely negative; I think many of us would become outraged in protest, claim unfairness and perhaps even leave mid-game in disgust. Not my brother! He keeps cheerfully playing, joking with threats of a days rations of nothing but bread and water should his daughters continually plot against him, as he laughs and rolls again and again. He sees that his daughters are learning teamwork. They are improving their abilities to strategize. They're forming bonds with their aunt. He's not playing to win. He's not even playing to do well. He's playing for the love of his kids and the potential learning and growing that they will experience because of the folly he himself has to undergo.
I sometimes see life giving us the raw deal that my brother got last night; we can't seem to get anywhere; everything we do leads us back to square one; we try and try but never get ahead; all those around us are prospering, advancing, winning and we are stuck where we are. We take a new job with hopes of advancement and increase, but end up staying right where we are, season after season. We join a rec sports team in hopes of winning a trophy at the end of the season but come in last place. We start a new program in school with the intention of gaining a degree, but life takes us in other directions and we're unable to complete it.
Jesus shared some great wisdom about coming in last place in Matthew 19:28-30: “Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel. And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life. But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first". One of the things I've learned from this is it doesn't matter whether we win or lose, or even if we finish...what matters is whether or not we are pursuing God! If we take a new job or play a sport simply with the intent of winning, it doesn't matter if win. It's meaningless!
But if we do all that we do with the sole intention of following Jesus and furthering His kingdom, we will be winners, regardless of what position the world places us at. If we're doing it for God, it doesn't even matter if we finish. The lives of those around us will be impacted in ways that we can't even imagine, God will be glorified and His love will shine through us. In light of that, "winning" seems a little trivial, doesn't it!
If we want to truly be winners we need to make Jesus the first and the last - - listen and be blessed!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Post-workout PAIN!

Yesterday I went hiking at Webster's Falls in Dundas with the Junior High group at TLC. What an awesome time! We were left speechless by the fantastical water falls, exhilarated by the steep drop-offs and cliffs and truly awed by the beautiful leaves and landscape. But some of us....well, okay, I was exceedingly challenged by the steep, long hills and rugged terrain. Having not done really strenuous exercise in almost 2 years (since I hurt my back), this 2 hour hike - and trying to keep up with a mob of healthy young pre-teens - was truly a test of my endurance and stamina.

And so I get up out of bed this morning to find my quads absolutely screaming at me in protest! I didn't think I'd make it to the bathroom at first, the soreness in my legs was SO intense. You see, I was experiencing a kinda cool consequence from the hike known as "DOMS"; Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. DOMS is caused by tiny microscopic tears that occur in the muscle as a result of high intensity exercise. The good news is that as my muscles begin to rebuild themselves the pain will fade and new muscle will develop that is bigger and stronger than before. Next time I attempt a hike I'll be stronger and better able to handle it. Keep it up often enough and I'll eventually do that hike without breaking a sweat. And I'll be able to conquer newer and bigger challenges.

The Christian life seems to be replete with "DOMS" of another sort; the spiritual sort. Since embracing Christ I've had to go through many trials that have left me feeling beat-up, sore and licking my wounds. Following Jesus has caused me to let go of many of my old habits, some with little challenge, others with my knuckles white in protest as I vehemently clung to them through a veil of tears. Chunks of me have been chipped away, little tears at my character that have left me wondering what will be left of the old me when God finishes with me.

There is good news for those going through spiritual "DOMS" in the book of Ephesians, chapter 4:22-24: You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. God doesn't strip away our old habits and bits of ourselves and leave us as half a person. As we let go of these things they are replaced with a new self that is righteous and holy. He makes us over in closer image to Him. How awesome is that? Makes it just a little easier to let go of our old junk when we know it's to be replaced with Jesus-like qualities, doesn't it!

If God is calling you to be stripped of some old bits of yourself, do not fear! He's got something FAR better in mind for you. And let's not forget, you do get to see some awesome views along the journey that can only be seen if you embrace the challenge ;-)
God truly does make all things new! Listen and be blessed!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I'm convinced that the first words out of the mouth of my niece were "MY SELF" - but with her two year old voice it came out in three syllables, sounding like "my sellef" as she pounded her fist on the table or stomped her foot to punctuate her rebellion. And what was this 2-year old tyrant rebelling against you may ask? Any help, for any task, from any person who was offering it. If she had her way she'd leave the house to run errands with mommy with mismatched shoes, her skirt half-tucked into her leggings, her hair a massive clump of knots on the back of her head and smears of breakfast down her shirt and across her face. Now 10 years later any time someone in my family refuses help and declares Independence in an endeavor, someone is sure to bust out with the words "my sellef" as we all break into laughter at the memory.

But how many times do we as adults say the exact same thing to God? We refuse His instruction and choose our own jobs, our own friends, our own past-times....and wonder why everything is going wrong! Sure, we allow Him a small level of domain in our lives, but we leave the big decisions to ourselves, thinking that He's too distant or too consumed with running the planet to worry about where we work, who we marry or how we spend our free time.

These day-to-day things are EXACTLY the areas of our lives that He wants to and needs to take control of if we are to live a purposeful life. The same God who has a count of every hair on your head (Matthew 10:30) is concerned about where you are going and what you are doing. Look at what he says in Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future". God, the creator of everything DOES have a plan for you. But how can God prosper you and protect you from harm if you don't follow His plan?
I am rapidly learning that submission to God's plan is one of the most difficult things we can do in this life. It takes courage. It requires blind faith. It demands continual submission of your will to His. But knowing that the plan was contrived by an omnipotent creator who loves me and has my best interests at heart, I've decided to trust and follow. My days of going my own way with egg on my face by "my sellef" are over. Dare to join me?
. - listen and be blessed for the moment. Commit to it and be blessed for a lifetime!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Straining on the leash or walking in obedience?

I love watching animal lovers with their dogs. You can always tell when they are with their true masters. Someone else could tell them to do something a billion times in various tones and volumes and they would pay little or no heed, but when their master talks, they tend to listen. Even someone who they've known all their life cannot command a fraction of the respect that their true master does....they know who loves them, cares for them, provides for their every need.

But no matter how obedient a dog will be with their master, take them outside with the right distractions and there's bound to be a time where they start straining against their collars, desperately trying to break free and explore. Fascinated by the sights and sounds and wanting to experience it all. But we all know that should they get away they would find danger and trouble, or at the very least get lost and miss dinner.

I know very well how that feels. I know that God wants me to walk with Him, by His side in strict obedience at all times. But I want to do what I want to do. I see places that I know I shouldn't go to and I do anyway. There's things to get into that God has specifically told me will do me more harm than good, yet I disobey and go there anyway. I continually strain against the leash, break myself free and wander off. And then I wonder why everything has gone wrong and I can't cope with the things I find in my path.

But when I in obedience do what God calls me to do, it's a good day. Stress is lower. Challenges are manageable. You see, when I'm walking in obedience, God leads me away from the things that are going to do me more harm than good. He may lead me to obstacles and difficulties, but He is right there by my side to help me over them, allowing me to learn and grow strong from them.

Should a 'rebellious Rover' break away and get lost, his master will have to spend a lot of time looking and calling for her poor lost pup. A dog may regret his actions within moments but spend hours lost and alone. The good news is that our Saviour hears our calls immediately and always knows exactly where we are. We may have to deal with the repercussions of our disobedience, but He will be by our side to lead us back to the right path as we deal with them.

Jesus tells us in the book of Luke chapter 11:28 "Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it." If you haven't been feeling as though you are living in God's blessing lately, you gotta ask yourself have you been walking WITH Him, or have you been running off on your own?

Monday, October 25, 2010

Pullin' weeds

My mom is an avid gardener. When the beds are clean with perfectly groomed edges and not a weed in sight, she is in her happy place. So when her hip surgeries were going to prevent her from maintaining her perfectly manicured yard for pretty much an entire summer, she ensured that not a single weed was present before she went under the knife. I'm positive she said a prayer or two against their swift uprising as well. Imagine her disappointment when she realized that one of her gardens was already sprouting little green enemies the very first time she looked at it post-surgery.

What actually IS a weed? According to Wikipedia, it is a plant that is considered by the user of the term to be a nuisance. Which is why we have toddlers generously gracing their mothers with bouquets of dandelions every summer. One person's weed is another's beautiful flower. I've had many weeds in my life that I've adamantly asked God to remove. My back injury was one huge unwanted pest in my life. But I think God sometimes views these nuisances a little differently than we do. And He knows the outcomes of these trials when we will long be blind to them. As we read in 1 Peter 5:10 - And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.". God knew that my back injury sucked big time for me. That it kept me from doing what I thought I should be doing. But He also knew that it would bring me to a new, deeper relationship with Him and send me on a new path in my life. It would make me strong, firm and steadfast. The injury may have started out as a weed, but over the course of a year, became a beautiful rose; I just had to get past the thorns.

I'm not saying that we shouldn't pray for God to take away illness or pain; what I am saying that if He's not quick to remove those things, He just may have a bigger better purpose for these things in our lives. Today's weed could be a promise for tomorrow's blooming garden! We just need to learn to trust the master gardener a little more ;-)

Oh....and those "weeds" my mom discovered after her surgery? Well, see the picture? lol. They turned out to be beautiful white edging flowers. My aunts transplanted them to various gardens around our property later that summer and let's just say, they've grown like "weeds" and made a beautiful covering for mom's neglected beds.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Walk like a goose!

I HATE being late. If something throws me off by just a few moments I become little-miss-lead-foot until such a time that I once again feel I'm running on time, or even better, a little early. And I gotta admit, all this construction around Guelph has been throwing me off and ruining my groove.
So imagine my surprise as I'm rounding a corner on Kortright - at, well, let's just say a few clicks faster than the posted speed limit trying to make up for the delay on Downey Road - when suddenly this huge goose is right in my path! I slam on the brakes with my heart in my throat, stopping just a foot away from my feathered friend. The arrogant bird had the nerve to just continue on his way, strutting across the road as if nothing had happened! He didn't even turn his extra-long neck in my direction to acknowledge the peril he almost put himself into. In disgust I continued on my way, resenting the arrogance of this silly bird.
But just around the next corner there lay a huge hunk of roadkill...I think it had once been a raccoon. EWW! Poor thing! But it got me to thinking about how raccoons and squirrels tend to cross the road as opposed to this silly goose. They dart and dash, racing back and forth, seeming to not make a conscious decision whatsoever, acting completely on an over-reactive impulse system that really makes NO sense whatsoever at the moment. No point in even trying to dodge their path, because they'll turn the other way in a split second, directly into your line of travel.
How would God rather us journey through life? The answer can be found in Philippians 3:12-13: Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.
I dunno about you, but that sounds far more like our driven, motivated, straight moving goose than our dodging, dashing, unpredictable squirrel! So I've decided, I don't care if the world thinks I'm oblivious to peril or marching in a direction that makes no sense to eyes are focused on the prize in Christ. I'm gonna walk like a goose to God!
This song always helps me to remember to press forward and keep my eye on the price - - listen and be blessed!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Friends are just desserts

When I was first saved I put a lot of emphasis on my church life. It became the source of my friends, my fulfillment and my musical outlet. It became the place I went to with my troubles and sorrows. It was where I found peace.
And these were all good things to find at a church, don't get me wrong. But when a horrible back injury kept me out of services for over 6 months I was left with a big vacant void that I was unable to fill. I pleaded with friends to visit and when certain ones didn't come through for me I felt completely lost and abandoned.
You see, I had made the tragic mistake of making church and the people in it "the main course" of my spiritual journey. A position that should be held by God and God alone. As we read in Philippians 4:19 "And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus" God is more than capable of supplying our material, financial and emotional needs.
I thank God daily for the awesome friends He has given me. But when push comes to shove and my whole world seems to be crashing down, when it seems like I'm being attacked on all sides, I know it is God who is the one who is going to come through for me. He will feed me and leave me satisfied. My friends can console me, distract me and encourage me, but in the end God is the main course and my friends are just amazing desserts!
This reality hit home for me when I first heard this awesome song by Steven Curtis Chapman - listen and be blessed!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Blog???

Yeah, a blog. Hadn't intended of going there. But God has been showing me a lot lately and nudging me to put it down in text and share it with others. A blog seemed the easiest way to do exactly that.

So why am I calling my log "Sharing my baby steps"? Cuz that's exactly what my walk with Christ has felt like. Tiny, tentitive, cautious steps, often falling flat on my bottom (without the extra cushioning of pampers)....crying in frustration, then gently being lifted and healed by a loving, caring father who places me back on my feet, hovering over till my next wrong turn and BOOM we start all over again. The cool thing is that each and every time I fall, once I get around to stopping my tantrum and drying my eyes, our heavenly Father is ALWAYS there. My God be cool like that!

Feel free to follow, your comments are welcome. Please join me on this walk; I promise, you'll never be walking alone.... - listen and be blessed!